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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Easter 2009

(10 seconds after) I am NOT tired Mom!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Braces!!! How cute are they?

March 9, 2009
She is growing up huh?

Circus time! And Karma too!

The sugar high
Kacy wants some more cotton candy....

That's Kacy in the front!!

See my other blog... for the story of the evil line breaker and his KARMA.
the aftermath.....the sugar crash

Circus time! And Karma too!

My sweet girlies and I went to the circus! I took my class, had a great time, and realized I had never ever taken my OWN kids. I just knew they would love it! Caiti would love the trapeze guys and Kacy would love...everything!! Plus I really, really wanted a funnel cake...but that is a different story.

Anyway, during the intermission you could ride an elephant! So we ran right over there and got in line. The line was HUGE. After waiting forever, we were about halfway along when this..this...GUY broke in line in front of me. After a brief discussion with myself I decided not to tackle him and kick his rear end. I thought that any guy that would break in front of a bunch of kids just wasn't worth my going to jail...sooooo I just let it go. Of course, I did discuss it LOUDLY with Caiti with him right in front of us. But whatever.

When we were about 20 people from the front of the line, the lady came down the line asking for just 1 person to ride the elephant. Of course, me and the line breaker both raise our hands. She goes to him first, since he is in front of me. And I was like, great (<= insert sarcasm here). Then she goes to take his ticket and....... sees that it is the WRONG COLOR!!! She says, I'm sorry you have the wrong ticket. He's like, " I can't use this one here?" But NO he can't !!

So guess who gets to ride on the elephant in the FRONT!!! MUAHAHA!!!

That's KARMA baby.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bad timing? or PERFECT timing?

So Kacy got a "bug catcher" from my mom for Christmas, as well as a flashlight from Santa.

And as soon as we pulled into the driveway from my mom's the Saturday after Christmas, she insisted we go looking for bugs. Even though I attempted to tell her there weren't any bugs out in December, she insisted. I thought it was pretty funny, and since I absolutely detest the little buggies anyway, I thought, hey, maybe this IS a good time to look for them!

It was fairly warm (as you can see since she isn't wearing a coat) so we spent a good bit of time out there! We looked and looked (or she did anyway) and we thought we were going to have to settle for a leaf when....lo and behold- Kacy found a REINDEER track on a stump!

Who knew we'd find something sooooo wonderful and magical? Perfect timing I guess. We never did find any bugs though. (Yay!!)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A Typical Fairy Tale Day

Today was a BUSY day. It was the first day back at school WITH the kids. So to give you an idea of what a normal day is like...I get up and get myself, a 12 year old , and a 4 year old ready. My dear husband sleeps. I pack up the homework sheet and pages I need for school, lunches, breakfasts, snacks, and my 8 year old neice and head to school. I stop by the preschool (right next to my school) to drop my Kacy off and realize , hey- she has no coat. Great. So I go in, explain that I am a terrible mom and please do not let her go to recess (not likely anyway as it is predicted to rain all day), set her up with her breakfast, and run back out.

I zip to my school, run in and clock in, give my neice and daughter money for breakfast, and try to get everything ready for the day. I end up leaving to drive them both to (different) school(s) since it is raining (usually they would walk). I end up having to drive around 2 times because the first time I passed my neice's school.

Back at school- typical crazy day. They need papers in the office, meetings, 24 seven year old girlies talking constantly. Bus time- its raining, one child has to ride a new bus- of course its the last one out of about 40 in a line. Of COURSE about halfway down there she decides SHE knows which one to ride and wanders off. I freak out. Don't worry, I DID find her, and get her on the bus. In the nick of time- I mean they had to hold the buses. I DID almost have a heart attack though.

Then, I walk over, get Kacy and head back to my school where she procedes to tell everyone about the picture we have ...of Santa's Bootie. Yes, you read that right. But let me explain- I went to and did these.

Yes that is my messy house. But how cool! They are great right? Why does she have to focus on THAT one? No clue. Anyway, she is fascinated by them!! So we are the talk of the town (READ:school) for about an hour.

Then Caiti and her friend show up and we have our Girl Scout meeting. Yup, I'm a new leader- and yes, that is my whole troop. It is hard to get 7th graders who aren't embarrassed by Girl Scouts, so I'll take what I can get. Anyway, we chat for awhile, discuss cookie sales (want some? email me at then end the meeting and, not home, what are you crazy? get Caiti's glasses about an hour away. We took her friend too. Why not? What's one more kid anyway?

We get the glasses- don't even ask about that experience of 2 preteens and a 4 year old running around the glasses place- and on the way home I decide I am WAY too tired to cook. I also do NOT want any fast food- so I decide to take the kids to a "REAL" restaurant. My hubby elects not to join me. He is blessed with astounding intelligence sometimes!!!

In my head I label this as a learning experience where the 2 older gals can learn how to act in public and the 4 year old can...well...torture me.

It was quite fun- the servers were especially excited when they saw Kacy come in (read sarcasm here). But seriously, the older kids were quite impressed and can't wait to go back. Which they never will...with me anyway!!

Really, it really made me think about what we expose our kids to. I mean my kids had never ever seen a place like this. And we all think- why waste the money? But really, the more experiences our kids have the better. Physically- it helps create brain patterns and will make them smarter - and psychologically- we want them to know they are worth nice things right?

They sat up straighter and we really all had a chance to talk to each other and discuss "our" (by this I mean the 2 older girls) lives. Not only do I think it was great for my kids, but Caiti's friend lives with her grandparents and her grandfather is in Iraq. So I think it was an amazing experience for her to have a little boost! She was so sweet and excited! None of us (including me) ate all our food. But Caiti's friend ate every bit. And I'm talking salad, bread, baked potato, and a 14 oz (yup) steak. Did she appreciate it? I would say so. I was really touched by how surprised she was that I let her go and order actual food (she offered to just get a salad). I would do it again in a minute. I might leave Little Bit at home though....especially after she hooked her 3 glow stick bracelets around the expensive stained glass light and dumped a pile of salt on it.

A perfect ending to the perfect day in my perfect little world.

Monday, January 5, 2009

My last day...

Yesterday was my last day of Christmas vacation with my kids before I started back to work. I tried to spend the day relaxing, although I did have to do the basic stuff...laundry, cooking etc.

But the majority of the time I WASTED my time. I didn't even put away my Christmas stuff (gasp!). I played on the computer; I read a great book and cried when the hero got hurt. I watched a tv show marathon of "The Secret Life of the American Teenager" and cried over that poor pregnant teenager. And I spent a lot of time with MY kids.

We decided to have a "breakfast" dinner of pancakes, eggs, and bacon. Kacy helped me flip the pancakes and Caiti made the eggs and bacon. Then I let the girls have a rainy day picnic (read as: eat on a blanket on the floor of the living room). I caught a picture of them watching "Kung Fu Panda" together before bed. I love that they were so sweet together on my last day home. I've always wanted my kids to love each other and to realize that love before they are adults. I have 2 sisters and I know how easy it is to fight with your siblings, but why wait until you grow up to understand that your family is really the most important thing in your life? How sad is it when you grow up and realize you missed all that time you could have been having fun with your family? I am so glad my girls had at least this moment to be together without bothering each other and just relaxing together. I hope and pray that I can look forward to lots more moments like this during the coming year!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

I'm Gonna Miss This... Moment

So I'm joining the blog carnival at . I can't wait to get started so here goes......

I'm going to miss when Caiti stops taking pictures of herself in every shiny surface- I never acted like that! Did I? Well, nevermind about me anyway!

I'm going to miss when Kacy stops watching tv from her 2 favorite spots- on top of the couch and on top of her horse!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Mama Beryl and Bennie Ray's Christmas

Emily- you are going to be sooooo sorry you told me to update this thing!! And hey- I don't seem to have any pictures of you!! Sneaky. :P
Caiti and Bennie Ray
Isn't she adorable?

Kacy waiting (not so) patiently to open gifts!

Caiti and Sam- so cute
And Yes, Ken is asleep :)

Still waiting. :)
And I don't know why that girl won't keep her socks on!!

Kyle- isn't he so cute?

Those guys are pretty popular with the girls huh?

Kacy and "her" Bennie Ray

Aren't they sweet?

Caiti and Aunt Sherry

3 generations of Carsons
Aren't they a cute couple?
Mama Beryl and Kacy

Gran and Pops Christmas

Kacy, "Gran" (Ken's mom), Caiti,
Grandma Merle (Ken's Granmother),
and "Pops" (Ken's Step-dad)

Grandma See, Caiti, Gran, Grandma Merle
All the same folks,plus Uncle Dick

Daddy, Kacy, and Abby (the puppy)

My 2 "Babies"

Cookie Decorating at Grandma's House (plus a recital )

Grandpa and Kacy
The finished product.
Yukky hands!!

Karen and Honey!! 2 sillies!!


Lauren trying to hide her cookie! It won't work girly!

Kacy the cookie monster...

Cait and Lauren

Grandpa and Caiti

Grandma and Kacy

Caiti and Lauren

Caiti singing at the First Baptist Church in OB for her recital.

Caiti, Kacy, and Lauren